All posts by Faye Roberts

writer of historical fiction that brings the lessons of history to the modern world.

The Feel of Fall in the Air


Autumn.  A time of reaping the rewards of the harvest and giving thanks for the bounty. What came to fill my heart in this season, were two new members to our family, Hannah and Marlee. Two hearts full of joy. Two voices of laughter.  I thank you, Good Father, for these colorful blessings. The feel of fall in the air is the remarkable feeling of abundant love.


School Supplies

marlee on badger

Learning is a gift of life, with its teachers surrounding us in every aspect of our days.

When beginning new classes, children and adults alike need supplies to assist us with becoming the very best. Not the latest in technology or coolest notebooks, but foundations that encourage one to thrive. Lessons on how to work, how to think well, how to eat and sleep. And most of all, how to feel good at the end of the day.

We as students of life drink in the lessons of everyday living: feeding the dog, helping a neighbor, good food and conversation, looking at the stars and saying a prayer of gratitude. The same holds true when  taught hate and hurt.

Much of what is learned in childhood is understood only with experience. It is with age that we come to truly honor those teachers whose lessons made a positive difference in the way we now live. With age we forget the color of our pencil box, the rules of algebra and number of our locker. Instead, we remember the person who said, “you have a gift”.

We are all students. We are all teachers providing the supplies needed in this school called the University of Life. What lessons will you pass along today?

Believe and Become

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI always wanted to be a dancer. A cowgirl. A granddaughter.

I danced as a gymnast in high school, but honestly didn’t have much talent.

I learned to ride a horse, and still ride great if the horse trains me right.

I stayed for a couple of summers with my maternal grandmother and I still treasure the days with her. As a teacher, she made sure I took time to read and treated that time as a reward. I still think of reading time as such. We fished, hiked, ate fresh raspberries, and she taught me how to pick out the perfect cantaloupe.

I am a dancer. I turn on the music, twirl around the living room and then write down the feeling of joy that comes.

I am a cowgirl when as I brush my old horse and then write about the antics of the characters in my books.

Though my Gramma passed on years ago, I am a granddaughter still. I giggle while playing in the little plastic pool on the patio with my two year old grandchild.

I am all these things because I believe I am. In my dreams, I can be anything. When reality comes along, some of that belief remains.

Tomorrow I am going to be a performer in Cody’s Wild West extravaganza. What are you going to be?

Seek out the Quiet

BesideStillWaters1024When your tasks seem a little heavy and overwhelming, remember to do one thing at a time quietly, and leave the rest because the rest is not your job. What you cannot get through you must hand back to God and He will work it out for you.   White Eagle

We live in a noisy and chaotic world. Just for a few moments, shut the organizer, hibernate the computer, turn off the phone and sit quietly. Breathe. Drift…

There, did you hear it?

Wasn’t it wonderful?

How to Pray

Oh Lord, I reckon I’m not much just by myself. I fail to do a lot of things I ought to do. But Lord, when trails are steep and the passes high, help me to ride it straight all the way through. And when in the falling dusk I get the final call, I do not care how many flowers they send – above all else the happiest trail would be for you to say to me, “Let’s ride my friend.” Amen. Roy Rogers


Roy Rogers had it figured out. Prayer does not need to be difficult. It is nothing more than two friends talking honestly and openly with each other. And remembering to say please and thank you. What a world this could be if folks could simply say please and thank you, especially to those they love the most.