Christmas can be a time of joy, peace and goodwill…or a time of heart-wrenching memories.
Published in 1989 by Guideposts Magazine, Ugly the Beautiful was such a story. The photo is the nativity my daughter Mandy, then six years old, made for me with the help of her grandma Judy, the first Christmas after my husband died in 1981, and the most precious present I’ve ever received. Mixed into the salt dough was hope, comfort, strength, and sprinkles of hard-won faith.
For those struggling this holiday, I pray you find hope from Ugly the Beautiful, and a thimbleful of faith that things will get better on this journey we call life. Please, don’t give up. Blessings are in the works for you.
Visit fayerobertswriter.com to read. Click on Link: Ugly the Beautiful published 1981
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